I love making an impact in my client's lives. I thrive off of the positive feedback I receive from my clients.
Hear from my clients
" I started working with Kris in November 2019 it feels like a long time ago. when I was a very different person.
We had realized my spending habit was totally out of control. Because Kris was the perfect coach when it came to addictions I decided to explore my life long 30 year problem. I knew it would take a lot of deep inner work as we had to figure out what was driving such reckless behavior and what were the triggers.
Kris’s empathy and judgement free zone got me to open up and feel comfortable as deep inner work is never easy and very daunting. Trusting her was the easy part. As we made small strides between 2019 and 2020 I finally broke the habit in January 2021. Deep inner work does not happen over night. For someone like me it took a total of 13 months to start healing and treating my addiction.
Kris will break down your inner fear and unleash your inner tiger! Today I feel so confident she has gotten me to save the most money I have ever saved in my life and on the path to starting my own business. Now I know my worthiness is not by how much I make, own or have in the bank, but knowing that intrinsic value is having balance in all areas of your life not just monetary things, that was the biggest take away from my coaching. Spending and saving is only one part how you do one thing is how you do other things. Spend wisely and the rest will take care of itself! Thank you Kris! I can’t wait to give you more updates over the years! "
- T.R

"The 12 weeks I spent working with Kris as my life coach was a wonderful and eye-opening experience.
Compassionate, caring, knowledgeable and honest, Kris listened and really heard what was going on in my heart and head and helped me put practical steps in place to work through the issues standing in the way of me becoming the healthier, calmer, less exhausted, more focused person I want to be. If you are considering health and life coaching, I recommend the journey and strongly suggest you ask Kris to be your guide along the way.
I really appreciate that Kris was supportive and encouraging every step of the way.
Even on weeks when I felt like I didn't do well, instances totally where I know I made poor choices, I always felt safe sharing the struggles. Never once did she make me feel like I had failed or come up short in any way. She made sure that every interaction was a positive one. I also appreciate that there was no doubt in my mind that she cared about me as a person and my heart before anything else. It was clear that her focus/goal wasn't about checking off steps for completing tasks, or just achieving goals, but rather about hearing my heart, what was really going on inside and ministering to that. I was someone she genuinely cared about and wanted to help and for that I'm grateful.
With an army of Kris Boyers to love and encourage, you could change the world!"
- AMY M.
" Kris and I met at The Bike Shop in August 2020 where Kris shared she was in a program to become a CERTIFIED HEALTH/LIFE COACH. At that point we starting meeting every month from August 2020 through December 2021. The times together were inspirational with Kris first asking me to answer some questions before my first official Discovery Session. Because setting goals have always been important to me. I wanted to maintain a healthy Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle, exercise regularly and run 5Ks, 10Ks, 15Ks and Half Marathons all year! I wanted to keep my mental attitude in a “I can do this” and my motto would always be “Never give up “ on any project or anything I wanted to complete.
Before Kris came to my house each month she would send me an email and ask some questions for me to think about and write before the session. I always had an agenda for us to follow and add items as we enjoyed our time together. One of my goals was to organize my files and delete or shred papers that were obsolete. I always wanted to accomplish what I had said I would do before our next meeting! I feel thankful that Kris has coached me this past year and I am grateful for her guidance.
Most importantly Kris is a great listener. She is a coach first and she always keeps me on track with my goals and she even challenge me to better help myself with accomplishing my goals. Kris has done so much for me and I feel I have accomplished what I set out to do. I know there is much I will continue to learn and I feel organized because of my Coach Kris! "
- Nanette R

" I have had the good fortune of having Kris as my coach for the past 6 months. I had been telling myself that I need to get my life together I just didn’t know where to start.
Kris not only helped me identify goals but has helped me move forward with them (no more analysis paralysis). She has helped me make positive changes that have led me to a happier, more fulfilled life. "
- Rhonda C