Asking the powerful questions that
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Recovery Coaching
From my own personal experience of recovery…well that will always be ongoing. I like to say, I’m not where I want to be, but I’m not where I used to be! To be coached, you have to be at a place in your recovery where you are open, curious and ready to build a future of wellbeing and make lasting and healthy changes.

Being in recovery is different for each person, as they learn, discover and grow in all areas of their life. A Coach is about helping a person grow with forward movement, not like a therapist that looks at your healing by working on your past. However coaching on growth is usually healing. It takes years of working on ourselves as we begin to make those unhealthy habit changes that no longer serve us. We make changes gradually each day as we learn new healthy habits to rid ourselves of the toxic buildup around our hearts and mindset.
We start to explore different parts of our heart in creating a new awareness on what healthy looks like! It’s a lifelong process working towards complete wellness in all areas of Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit! It’s a marathon, not a sprint! As you begin your journey through changing your mindset to a healthier you, I will not advise, judge, diagnose or tell you what you should do, but come alongside you as you find an awareness looking deep within your heart to the life you were designed to have.
You have the answers within you, and it’s my job to ask powerful questions to pull them out!